Various conventions have rules on safety, this will go over different rules of each convention so others may compare the safety standards set by each convention.

Some conventions have opted to prohibit registered sex offenders from conventions, some have opted to prohibit people convicted of violent crimes.

Conventions are liable for the safety of attendees

Displaying 26 – 34 of 34

 Name Location Sex Offender Ban Weapons Ban Drug Ban
Golden State Fur ConLos Angeles, California
IndyFurConIndianapolis, Indiana
MegaplexOrlando, Florida
Mephit Fur MeetMemphis, Tennessee
Midwest FurFestChicago, Illinois
Motor City Furry ConSouthfield, Michigan
Painted Desert FurconParadise Valley, Arizona
Texas Furry FiestaDallas, Texas
VancoufurSurrey, British Columbia, Canada
 Name Location Sex Offender Ban Weapons Ban Drug Ban
