John Anthony Fernandez, known as Vamplust in the furry fandom and known registered sex offender, arrested for parole violations
People who are released on parole are expected to follow the rules which are dictated to them by the corresponding parole authority. Many individuals appear to have the misconception of parole or the purpose. Parole is a means to allow individuals to serve their time while not being incarcerated in prison. After someone is released […]
Daniel Mizuho Lllamas, repeat sex offender, TORA in the furry fandom, convicted and imprisoned again
Article is being edited and incomplete, check back for additional details. Known in the furry fandom as TORA, he is a well known sex offender How to look up the record: 1) open enter the case number BA4793693) click Submit Copy of Information from the LA Court entry Case Number: LACBA479369-01 Defendant Name: LLAMAS, DANIEL MIZUHO […]
Jonathan Eugene Beer, Convicted Child Molester and Tier III Sex Offender
Arrested on October 16, 2019 for parole violations NOTICE: The following people have been engaging in harassment and a smear campaign since their child molester friend was arrested: (Will add addresses, workplaces, school, etc later)Terrakun – NEO Fur – Neofox – Zachary Sinclair – Columbus, Ohio Sonny Von Casper – Columbus, Ohio […]
Cody Layne Prater, aka Kaji Taiki, convicted pedophile sentenced to 4 years in jail for child pornography
Cody Layne Prater, age 21, pleaded guilty to 7 counts of pandering sexually-oriented matter involving a minor. Sentenced to 4 years in jail and to be placed on the sex offender registry.
The Arrest of EliteKnight / CoreyTWC / CoreyTheTWC / Christian Stewart Oscar Nichols: A Story of Zoophilia and Zoosadism
In September of 2018, there was a leak posted on Mega which contained logs, images and videos of specific users engaged, traded and shared materials relating to zoophilia and zoosadism. Many on the Internet grew concerned shortly after the leaks were made public. This lead to communities and individuals investigating the contents of the leak including finding out personal information of the involved parties.